I would say "Correct",
The locations of the fresh water fill and dump accesses are where you describe.
As marko says, the driver's door can be used to enter/exit during dumping, but if your hose has any holes in it
waste can splash on your pant leg or socks/shoes, and occasionally your skin if you're in shorts and sandals.
To avoid this, I carry a 4' stepladder with me, and if I have to get into the van through the driver's side
door while dumping, I leave the window down and use the stepladder to climb in. It's awkward, but it can be done.
Sorry, I couldn't resist. Why would you have to use the driver's door while dumping? This question confused me.
There are at least 3 other ways to gain entry to the van while dumping (passenger door, side door(s), rear door(s)).
Actually, on my '02 I wish they hadn't put the gate valve handle where it is inside the 60/40 side door. It means I
can't dump from my upper black tank to the lower one while the vehicle is moving which would be an asset in some
circumstances. Would have been nice if it had to be there, if they'd built the handle with an elbow joint so it could be
folded flat against the van frame when it's in the open position, so the door could be closed on it for travel without
damaging it. Perhaps there's a replacement gate valve with such a modification, I don't know.
As for filling the fresh tank and spillage, yes it can happen, but as marko said, they don't take long to fill even at a
moderate flow rate from the source. Just try to keep an eye on the fill pipe hole as the tank fills, and remember
to be ready to either pull the fill hose out of the fill pipe then, or, to turn off the water source quickly at that time.
If there is any water spilled on the passenger side floor after filling, you could turn the dash hvac blower fan on,
towards the floor, and let it run for a bit to help dry the floor, if it's wet.
Just my 2 cents.
Good luck in the search for your class B. It can be difficult to decide, when you see what's actually out there.