gail said:
Hi....Brand new member here....Does anyone have thoughts about how to make the rear sleeper bed in my 2007 Interstate RV into an electric bed instead of jack knife? I have not slept a wink in it so far.....PLEASE help our sleepless......
I'm not sure I understand how the electric bed will be any more comfortable than the jack knife,
unless it has fewer cushions or pieces than the jack knife, and therefore fewer gaps between
them. I'm looking at the photo marko put up, and it looks like a tetris puzzle, so if it were me,
I'd try marko's suggestion and look for a solid topper/pad of some sort, if that's the issue.
When our bed is made up as a king, the cushions run north/south mostly so the cracks are
parallel to how we usually sleep. It took us some getting used to, but if/when you do, you
might be surprised how good you'll sleep. 8)
Good luck.