May 8, 2020 #1 FX fx24 New Member Joined May 8, 2020 Messages 7 Location Florida Been shopping for a class B. Fav thus far is Travato 59K. Joined here to learn about comps and reviews. John
Been shopping for a class B. Fav thus far is Travato 59K. Joined here to learn about comps and reviews. John
May 8, 2020 #2 rowiebowie Senior Member Joined Jul 20, 2018 Messages 2,651 Location Texas Welcome to the forum fx23! The Travato's are well regarded, and if you have deep pockets, they now make Lithium (L) versions. They have recently gotten some competion from the Coachnan Sequence models.
Welcome to the forum fx23! The Travato's are well regarded, and if you have deep pockets, they now make Lithium (L) versions. They have recently gotten some competion from the Coachnan Sequence models.