visualize this crap!
Unfortunately these 2 emptying techniques didnt get filmed,but imagine...
I pulled into a bank america parking lot. The side walk was higher than the street and the parking lot. My tank bottomed on the sidewalk and disconnected the tank. I heard someone scream and when I looked into my rearview,I saw flood of feces pouring out a 3 inch diameter opening and all spreading rapidly. Speaking of rapidly,thats what I did as I continued out of the lot and down the street through town making my getaway. It still poured out enough for about a mile to been noticible,so I was driving from stop sign to stopsign repeating left turns then a right hoping to confuse anyone following my trail. Assuming they couldnt see me or smell their way to me. I did get away.
In the parking lot,it dumped right where everyone walks into the bank.
I revisited the scene after hours and it was a sight/smell to behold!
About a week or so later and alot more feces build up in store,I was traveling down the freeway,and I guess that loose spot had separated enough to open while at freeway speed.
How I noticed it was that drivers would pass me yelling ,screaming etc
I just shruged my shoulder and verbalized through my closed window "no habla"...Well it just meant I didnt have to find a dump site now for anothr few days.
Well those were the old days,never want that pressure again.