Hi There,,,I'm Ron (rinkman1)and my common-law wife, Evie live in Saskatoon, Sask. Canada We got into RVing. This year (2007) we'll maidenship the 2006 PleasureWay Excel TS, Silver Annivesary paint, with a few options on the coach. Our first trip will WEST to Van. Isle, after west trip, then EAST to maritimes. We'll stay main hiways, until we'll backroads, if we have an ERS calling OUTTTT, IF NEEDED (SHUDDER :shock: )
A few weeks back, we put spacers (correctrack) for sticking on solid pavement, four (4) Munroe shocks, (thinking of Bilstins). Yesterday we put bug deflector on it. It might not work for the bugs but snazzy looking. I put a "spinner" on the wheel for disability and a block on the gass pedal, moved the gas on the left. I lost movement of right leg and right arm and should from a stroke.
My common-law wife (Evelyn), Princess (Dog,,,border collie/black shepard) and of course me,,,Ron or rinkman1