Looking to buy in S. California
We have been looking to buy a Rialta and located in San Clemente, if anyone has one for sale can you contact me please? Didn't realize how hard they are to find, we are a couple that loves camping and thought this would be perfect for us. Please call Theresa at 949 842 8971 or email treeeeee1 at gmail.com
We would like to purchase within the next week, thanks so much.

I am selling my 2003 HD Rialta when I return to Danville, Il. from Florida in mid March with 85,000 miles. It has served us well the last 9 years, but it is time to move on. It has been meticulous maintained and Ive done many upgrades learned from the Tech Rallies I attended over the years. I wanted to let the Rialta groups know Im selling it before advertising it on the internet. Feel free to call me or email for details. My asking price will be @$30,000.
Terry Boehm
2003 HD
Danville, Illinois