As we've been shopping, dealers have been quite confident about getting full MSRP for units that are either freshly on the lot or on their way in from the manufacturer. If you are willing to order a unit and wait for it, they are typically willing to give a bit more off sticker. If you find something that has, inexplicably, been on their lot for a while, they are usually offering those units at a discount vs. MSRP just to get them sold, and they may be a bit more receptive to negotiations.
It's a bit of an odd situation right now. At this moment demand for Class B units is so high that dealers are going for the brass ring on pricing. On the other hand, available inventory for Class B units is so low that they just aren't selling very many units overall. Their service departments, however, are overflowing with business. In some cases service revenue may be what keeps the lights on while they keep hoping and pressing for better availability of new units.
I am thinking, however, that alert patience may win the day. We may soon begin to see:
- Fall and Winter are coming - fewer buyers in the market because kids are back in school (in person or virtual) and vacations that involve camping will be off the table until next year
- More "pending" deals that fail to close due to economic realities.
- More custom orders that become orphaned, same rationale as above.
I would love to be wrong on those last two, but I think it's coming.