As a follow up comment, it was early morning, just after dawn, and we were just leaving the Walmart when the pics were taken. I didn't want to get caught peeking in windows to examine the installation close-up, so I can't say for sure how it was bolted down or sealed. No idea where it was from as we didn't check the plates (assuming it had them :wtf: ) for the same reasons for not examining the construction up close. As you've said, it didn't look neat and tidy, and definitely did not look terribly aerodynamic. :wink: I just remembered this thread and had to get a couple of quick snaps of it on our way out to the coast.
We just got back up here and were greeted by the first snow storm (we think) of the season. Came thru Buffalo/Ft. Erie and it was coming down heavy. Hundreds of accidents, many in the Niagara region, but that's normal up here for a first heavy snowfall. No one gets the slow down and survive thing when driving in bad weather. Also normal for this part of the country.
The digital TV tuner seems to be working well, although it only scans for channels up to channel 69. Seems like a lot of PBS and Christian television broadcasts out there in the range above 2-13, however there were a few nice surprises depending on where we were for the night. Even picked up a UFC channel, although I don't usually watch that sort of thing.
Our furnace performed admirably, as the weather took a turn for the cooler after the launch Friday night, and we came back north thru South Carolina/NC/WV/V/PA/NY and overnights were frigid at the higher elevations as expected. We spent our last night Stateside in West Virg, and the temp got down to about 10F, but we survived with good sleeping bags and our furnace.