Welcome John & Tracy,
The HD is a super floorplan. I have a 1999 HD and most of the vehicle is the same as the 2004. You have more horsepower but the difference is minimal and I have plenty of zip with mine and it does the hills great.
I have a million tips and just about know the unit inside and out. Mine has around 50,000 miles on it so far and still looks new! I made sure all components, drive train, tires, shocks, etc. are original and as per factory specs. I find many Rialta owners not knowing that the front tires are smaller than the rear and have seen a few with them on backwards. People are saying that the Continental Tires are no longer available. I just got a new set last year and had no problem but they have to be the specific ones made for the load of the Rialta. Even though the Eurovan Chassis (Volkswagen) has its own specs you want to make sure you follow the modified specs from Winnebago. Another tip: Use the Cruise Control any chance you get; especially any hill climbing. You will never be able to climb the hills as well if you try it manually. I am an excellent driver but nothing compares with the computeristic shifting that occurs when the cruise is engaged. In most cases I can climb any hill at the properly posted speed and don't bog down. I always had trouble with this before I read a posting on this site about the importance of using the Cruise feature for climbing hills. You may already do this but just in case.
Hopefully, you are familiar with all the other features. They are pretty much like any RV. The bathroom is one of my favorite designs and YES, I use the shower all of the time. It states in the manual that there is a filter for the shower Power Drain feature. This MUST be emptied after about 8-12 showers and you will notice it slows down with the increasing showers. It is a bear to get to in the HD. I moved my filter directly under the wardrobe closet. (That floor comes up with only 3 screws hidden under the edge of the carpet. Trust me: this is easier than contorting under the dinette seat to get it apart, clean it (easy part) and put it back together. Now, I just loosen the screws, pull up on the floor, undo the filter, clean it, reinstall, and you're good to go for another while. If the Power Drain is working properly it should drain faster than you can fill it while showering. I am able to do a reasonable shower without running out of hot water. Note that the shower water goes to the Black Tank. That is a good thing because the Gray Tank only holds 7 gals.
I find the Rialta a most unique and functional design. You get the best feeling of space when sitting on the Captain's Chairs (turned around) and watching TV. The coach feels bigger this way and in time your brain will adjust and it will feel like home. Do you have the optional Oven below the stovetop? I have that and am glad for it because one can't always fire up the generator to power up the microwave if you are not hooked up. Like I said, I have a million tips so I better stop here for now.
All the best and hope to hear more from both of you!