Well, maybe someone will spot this thread that has a '95 RT 190V, and give you some help.
I know of a '95 190P near me, although I haven't seen it for a bit.
If I'm over there, I'll see if the owner will let me have a quick look.
It's probably the same range hood fan assembly.
Alternately, you could email
service@roadtrek.com and see if they could
send you a close up of the area in question, or just how to put it back together.
When emailing Roadtrek service, always include your VIN number. Helps them
to figure out exactly what your van originally came with.
Here's a link to the official RT website "brochure" page. Maybe there's a pic in your
year's brochure that will help?
Or, another idea might be google your year and model, then call/email some current owners
who have 1995 190V's for sale, and maybe someone will have pictures, or will tell you
how it goes back on. If it fell off for you, it may have for someone else too.
Many, if not all RVers, tend to be very helpful.
You could join RVNet and ask on their class B forum area.
Good luck (again). :idea:
p.s. I've actually done all of these things at one time or another.