VernM said:
It can be a blessing to get away from the TV too. I just use my computer and the great little device and program called WinTV to get news or something special if necessary. It comes with a little portable digital antenna good for 25 miles or so sitting on the 'fridge or microwave.
I've seen these things mentioned on here over and over again, internet TV access, using various
types of hardware and software, some free, some you have to buy software with a card or adapter.
Has anyone got a step by step "how to" convert or update a laptop to a source of TV entertainment,
or as you've suggested, to get news updates (or in my case I'd like to get market updates, preferably
in real time)?
It might help some of us who can often get wifi access in places where there isn't an OTA TV signal
(or it's only PBS and the theology channels) or it's not practical to set up a satellite dish.
Who has the best software/hardware combo, for the lowest price, that would run off free wifi like
Starbucks or McDonalds, and not cost the same as a mobile satellite rooftop aiming system.
I know I could Google this, but I'm looking to tap the experience and expertise of those of you
techie folks with laptop TV.
Maybe this question/topic should be a separate thread, so I'll create one and place it here in the
General folder and also in the Intenet and Tech stuff.