I'm not an expert on propane fridges. The following suggestions are what I might
look for or try before taking it to a specialist for diagnosis.
I only recently tried ours, and it fired up and kept running. Probably luck.
If you've followed the lighting/starting instructions to the letter, it's probably a
mechanical failure of some kind. Most propane appliances have a thing called a
thermo-couple which needs to sense heat, before it opens the gas flow to the appliance.
The pilot flame is the thermo-couple heat source, and allows full operation after a
few seconds of pilot flame. Does the lighting instruction say to hold the C button for a
few seconds while pressing the igniter button? My old LPG gas pool heater used to say
hold the "pilot" button down for at least one minute before releasing it and turning the
valve to the "run/on" position. It lets the thermocouple warm up.
So it could be a bad thermocouple, or it's been bumped out of proximity to the pilot flame.
The only other idea I have is make sure your flow valve at the tank is fully open.
Partially open might restrict flow to the appliances, but you've said your stove works
so it's probably not that. Some models have a "manual gas shutoff valve", usually
somewhere near the external "plumbing" possibly on the back of the fridge, which may
be in the "off" position.
If it still won't light and run, get it to a certified RV repair centre, and spend the money to
get it diagnosed and sorted out.
Also, you might want to move/copy this question to the "General" category to maximize
exposure. I just stumbled upon it while looking for something unrelated.
Good luck.
p.s. I saw this on RVNet and it really seemed kinda scary to me. It seems some folks on there
always run their fridges on propane while on the move, and never turn them off when refueling.
And, they don't think it's the least bit unsafe to do so. I'm thinking I'm not stopping for gas if
I see another TT or fiver at the pumps already. Could be one of them. Isn't it technically illegal
to have an open flame near the pumps or fueling station? I see the signs with the red circle and
line through the cigarette or the lighter. Isn't that a legal warning?
http://www.rv.net/Forum/index.cfm/fusea ... m#24238629