Advanced Member
HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE! Hope the Bunny brings you something sweet! 
Friday, March 21 brings us the first full moon of the new spring season, the vernal equinox having already occurred on March 20 at 1:49 a.m. ET (or on March 19 if you live in the Mountain, Pacific or Alaskan-Hawaii time zones). The official moment that the moon will turn full on March 21 is 2:40 p.m. ET (though in reality it's never actually full).
The first full moon of spring is sometimes referred to as the Paschal full moon; the moon that is used to set the date of Easter in a given year. This year, if you have not already noticed, Easter is going to arrive unusually early. If you're 50 years old or younger, the earliest Easter in your lifetime came on March 26 (in 1967, 1978 and 1989). In 1951, Easter fell on March 25; in 1940, March 24.
But in 2008, Easter will arrive on March 23. So early in fact, that Palm Sunday, which is observed on the Sunday before Easter, was celebrated this year on the day before Saint Patrick's Day; a calendrical oddity.
The last time that Easter fell this early in the calendar was 1913. And before that, in 1856.